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 Membership Form here.

Queen Rearing using the Nicot Cupkit Method

A number of queen cells being drawn on the cell raiser frame - Harvested using the Nicot Cupkit System.

More images here.

Saturday 27th April, Thomas demonstrated marking and clipping a queen honeybee in the Brooke Park Apiary.

There was also a demonstration on frame building and setting up a bait hive. Click here for more photos of the day.

Come along and share your knowledge , or start from scratch with friendly and helpful advice, we have regular meetings , training sessions , demonstrations and a growing membership base.
You do not have to be a beekeeper to join Derry and District Beekeepers.

A BEEautiful day in Primary Five

17th May 2023

The children of Primary Hive Five had a special treat today. They were visited by two local beekeepers, Emma and Thomas.

See article at the link below:

All-Ireland Pollinator Plan

One third of our bee species is threatened with extinction from Ireland. This is because we have drastically reduced the amount of food (flowers) and safe nesting sites in our landscapes. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is about all of us, from farmers to local authorities, to schools, gardeners and businesses, coming together to try to create an Ireland where pollinators can survive and thrive. The first Plan covered the period 2015-2020 and a new version has been developed for 2021-2025. 

Click here,, to see the plan.

Glyphosate weedkiller damages wild bee colonies,

study reveals - click here for article

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